Date: September 3 at 3-4pm
Location: Victoria University – Footscray Park Campus – C504
Towards a pedagogy of love: Exploring people’s experiences of an activist sport approach
Socially critical scholars have argued that care and love should not be colorblind or power blind and that marginalized populations necessarily understand caring within their sociocultural context; creating spaces for youth and teachers to challenge inequities. This presentation will draw specifically on Paulo Freire’s concept of Love. For Paulo, it is a love based in dialogue, solidarity, and hope and imagination. In this presentation, I will discuss how a pedagogy of love emerged when we implemented an activist sport approach across four semesters in a socially vulnerable context with pre-service teachers and youth in Brazil.
Carla Luguetti is a Lecturer in Physical Education and Health in the College of Sport and Exercise Science at Victoria University, Australia with specific expertise in Sport Pedagogy and Social Justice. Over the past seven years she has focused in understanding activist approaches within sporting contexts. Specifically, her line of research aims at co-creating a pedagogical model for working with youth from socially vulnerable backgrounds in sport context. The intent is to use sport as a vehicle for assisting youth to become critically aware of their communities’ social issues. Although she is an early career researcher, she has a significant publication track record in collaboration with researchers from all over the globe (US, UK, Ireland, Australia, and South America).